Bread of Life by Bruce Fogerty
Every time we eat, something sacrifices for the cause:
A cow, an apple, an ear of corn, a fish or even a lowly potato
All must die when ingested so we can live
Jesus knew this truth, Because He ordained the food chain
Placing His family at the Apex and Offering Himself As the ultimate meal
Feast on the Savior
Because truly, truly We are What we eat!!
Browse the website and enjoy amazing recipes that remained in our family through the generations. There are all kinds of interesting
recipes that will be sure to satisfy your appetite. Most of the recipes are from family while some are from friends and other websites.
Continue to check on the New Recipes section of my webpage and look for newly added
recipes that I enjoyed. Most of the recipes I add will be ones that I thought were really tasty and worth cooking.
Please visit my Contact page and email me suggestions and/or recommended changes
that I could make to the website. I want to make it accessible as well as easy to read and find recipes. I will try to start adding
pictures as much as I can to the recipes because I know it is easier to cook when you know what the end product looks like. I hope
you enjoy the recipes as much as I do.
I put double stars (i.e. Recipe**) next to recipes that are my favorites.